Rise Above Crime
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Rise Above Crime is a free program that supports older adults who have been victimized by crime. Services are provided by caring professionals that aim to help individuals to overcome the effects of physical, sexual, or psychological violence; neglect; or financial exploitation or fraud.
The Rise Above Crime program is a grant-funded project through the State of Tennessee, Office of Criminal Justice Programs, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). This grant was obtained by the Office on Aging in order to build upon and continue the work of the Elder Abuse Community Outreach Program.
Learn more about elder abuse: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/elder-abuse
Watch a Nashville Public Television video featuring the Rise Above Crime program.
Rise Above Crime in Knox County meets the needs of crime victims over the age of 50. Program manager Sasha Hammett shares how resources and relationships are key to providing safety and justice for victims of elder abuse.
Watch a Public Service Announcement from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director, David Rausch: