The Office on Aging provides a wide variety of services and information for older adults and their families in Knoxville and Knox County. Learn more about us.

Senior Service Directory

2023-2025 Senior Services Directory

A comprehensive resource available at no charge.


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Bob's Blog

The Impact of a Brief Conversation

Stop by and visit your elderly neighbors to see how they’re doing.

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Bob's Blog

Valuable Information on the Verge of Being Lost Forever

Did you ever ask an older person about their lives and how it was growing up?

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Bob's Blog

Lifelong Learner? College in Your Future?

In Tennessee, there are two special incentives for people 60 and older to take college classes.

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Bob's Blog

Hidden Gems for You Right Here in Knox County

There are eight senior centers in the Knoxville and Knox County, open to residents age 50+.