Project LIVE (Living Independently through Volunteer Efforts)
Project LIVE’s (Living Independently through Volunteer Efforts) primary focus is on serving homebound seniors (age 60+) who have limited support and income.
The program employs case managers who assess each senior’s situation and then link the person to community resources that are available, with a goal of keeping seniors independent in their own homes.
LIVE also has limited assistance to pay for minor home repairs or safety modifications that are needed.
The program welcomes volunteers (individuals or groups) when possible to perform minor home repairs, house cleaning and decluttering, and similar tasks. Volunteers can work flexible schedules, including weeknights and weekends.
“I just wanted to give something back, to show that I care. I never knew how much I would get in return.” – a Project LIVE volunteer
Case Management
Case management is an important part of Project LIVE. It begins with an in-home assessment that identifies the senior’s strengths as well as the needs they have that keep them from being fully independent.
After an assessment is done, the case manager creates goals for the senior and recommends a plan, according to each person’s needs. The “care plan” defines the tasks of the case manager and those of the senior receiving care. The case manager, working alongside the senior and any family members he or she may have, assists the client in accessing community services.