Information & Referral
Aging Services in Knox County
Senior Information & Referral (CAC): 546-6262
Office on Aging
2247 Western Ave., 37921
Provides in-depth information and referral services to direct older adults to programs and resources based on specialized knowledge of aging services and seniors’ needs. Free assistance available by phone or appointment.
Knoxville-Knox County Office on Aging: (CAC) 524-2786
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Provides information for older adults, their family members, and service providers. Offers a variety of programs to improve quality of life for older individuals, including services to remain independent in their homes for as long as possible. Call to request a brochure of Office on Aging programs.
- Elder News & Views is the Office on Aging’s newsletter. Call to receive by mail or e-mail. Free.
- Senior Service Directory is a guide to resources for older adults in Knoxville and Knox County. Free.
- Speakers Bureau provides speakers on topics related to aging. Free.
- Senior Update is a column of interest to seniors that appears in the Knox News every first and third Sunday.
- Savings Check Up / Benefits Enrollment Center (BEC) is a service to help low-income older adults and persons with disabilities find and enroll in all the money-saving benefits programs for which they are eligible.
General Information & Referral
2-1-1, East TN Information & Referral
- Touch-tone phone: 211
- Alternate phone: 1-865-215-4211
Information and referral service links callers to resources. Some companies block three-digit calls from business phones. If you are unable to use 211, try alternate number.
Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC): 546-3500
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Provides services for low- and moderate-income individuals and families.
CAC Neighborhood Centers
Assistance with benefits and services, including federal energy assistance.
East (East of Broadway): 546-5125
4200 Asheville Highway, 37914
South (South of the River): 577-7591
522 Maryville Pike, 37920
West (West of Broadway): 524-3345
Ross Bldg., 2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging & Disability: 1-866-836-6678
East TN Human Resource Agency
9111 Cross Park Drive, Suite D-100, 37923
County Offices on Aging
Anderson County: 457-3259
96 Mariner Point Drive, Clinton, 37716 (street)
P.O. Box 1244, Clinton, 37717 (mailing)
Blount County: 983-8411
3509 Tuckaleechee Pike, Maryville, 37803
Campbell County: 1-423-562-2948
2301 Jacksboro Pike, Suite 4 B, LaFollette, 37766 (street)
P.O. Box 1394, Lafollette, 37766 (mailing)
Claiborne County: 1-423-973-3673
108 Jaycee Lane, Tazewell, 37879 (street)
P.O. Box 326, Tazewell, 37879 (mailing)
Cocke County: 1-423-623-7296 ext. 4
440 Eastern Plaza Way, Newport, 37821-3134 (mailing)
Grainger County: 221-9925
8659 Rutledge Pike, Rutledge, TN 37861
Hamblen County: 1-423-581-5166
Senior Citizens’ Center
841 Lincoln Avenue, Morristown, 37813
Jefferson County: 397-3197
931 Industrial Park Drive, Lower Level, Dandridge, 37725
Loudon County: 458-5445
901 Main Street, Loudon, 37774
Monroe County: 1-423-442-2022
Cora Veal Senior Center
144 College Street South, Madisonville, 37354
Called Monroe County Senior Citizens & Friends, Inc.
Morgan County: 1-423-346-6651
821 Spring Street, Wartburg, 37887
Roane County: 354-0450
2305 N. Gateway Avenue, Suite 9, Harriman, 37748 (street)
P.O. Box 790, Kingston, 37763 (mailing)
Scott County: 1-423-562-2948
821 Spring Street, Wartburg, 37887
Sevier County: 453-8080
1220 W. Main Street, Sevierville, 37862 (street)
Union County: 992-3292
298 Main Street, Maynardville, 37807 (street)
Aging Services in Other Parts of Tennessee
Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability: 1-615-741-2056
502 Deaderick Street, 9th floor, Nashville, 37243
Area Agencies on Aging & Disability
Aging Commission of the Mid-South: 1-901-222-4100
160 N. Main Street, 3rd floor, Memphis, 38103
First TN: 1-423-928-3258
3211 N. Roan Street, Johnson City, 37601
Greater Nashville: 1-615-255-1010
44 Vantage Way, Suite 450, Nashville, 37228
Northwest TN: 1-731-587-4213
124 Weldon Drive, Martin, 38237 (street)
P.O. Box 963, Martin, 38237 (mailing)
South Central TN: 1-931-379-2929
101 Sam Watkins Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 38474-4024
Southeast TN: 1-423-266-5781
1000 Riverfront Parkway, Chattanooga, 37402
P.O. Box 4757, Chattanooga, 37405-0757
Southwest TN: 1-731-668-6967
102 E. College Street, Jackson, TN 38301
Upper Cumberland: 1-931-432-4111
1104 England Drive, Cookeville, 38501
Aging Services in Other Parts of the U. S.
Eldercare Locator: 1-800-677-1116
Nationwide Service. Provides telephone numbers of appropriate state and local agencies. Mon.- Fri., 8 am – 9 pm EST. Know the name and address (city, county, state, and ZIP code) of the older person you are assisting.