Gift of Sight, Hearing & Dentures: 546-6262
Office on Aging
2247 Western Avenue, 37921
For Knox County residents who cannot afford them, program provides low-cost eye and hearing exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids for people age 50+, and low-cost dentures for people age 60+. Service limited by available funds.
Knoxville Center of the Deaf (KCD)
- 24 Hour line: 579-0832
- Video phone: 978-6051
3731 Martin Mill Pike, 37920
Sign language interpreting services, information and referral, public awareness, advocacy, outreach, technical assistance, peer counseling, independent living skills and community center activities, including weekly senior citizens’ group.
Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: 1-800-342-3262
Video phone: 1-615-290-5211
615 Church Street, Nashville, 37219-2314
A FREE public library program that provides information about all aspects of hearing loss, including deafblindness, to all Tennesseans. Services include a lending collection of books, media and FM Assistive Listening Devices; a website that features a searchable TN Directory of Services for People who are Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing, events calendar; and helpful links. tndeaflibrary.nashville.gov
TDI: 1-301-328-1328
Telecommunication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.
940 Thayer Ave. #8009, Silver Spring, MD 20910
TDI shapes America’s public policy in telecommunications, media, and information technology to advance the interests of all people who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deafblind, and deaf-plus (with other disabilities).
Telecommunications Devices Access Program
Voice: 1-800-342-8359 (hearing)
Video/TTY: 1-888-276-0677
TN Public Utility Commission
Distributes free telephone assistive equipment to people with significant hearing, hearing and visual, speech, or mobility impairments. Equipment includes amplified teletype, and large-button and hands-free phones. Recipients must be permanent residents of TN with a physician-verified disability.
Tennessee Library for Accessible Books & Media: 1-800-342-3308
1001 Representative John Lewis Way North, Nashville, 37219
Audio, Braille, and large print books and magazines loaned for free to eligible persons. Players available for use with audio materials.
Tennessee Relay Center (TRC): All calls 711
- Hearing callers: 1-800-848-0299
- TTY (for deaf only): 1-800-848-0298
- Spanish (Español): 1-800-842-2088
- Speech-to-speech service: 1-866-503-0264
- Customer service: 1-866-503-0262
Provides free, statewide assisted telephone service to those who have speech and hearing impairments. Relays telephone calls between voice and TTY customers. Speech-to-speech service allows speech-disabled persons to use their own voice synthesizers rather than a TDD/TTY.
UT Hearing and Speech Center
600 Henley Street, Suite 213, 37902
Audiology Services 974-5453 Evaluation of hearing problems. Comparative hearing aid evaluations with medical referral.