Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Generations United: 1-202-289-3979
80 F St. NW, 8th floor, Washington, D.C., 20001
Promotes intergenerational programs and policies, including issues about relatives raising children.
Grandparents as Parents (CAC): 524-2786
Office on Aging
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Open to grandparents or relatives raising minor children. No age or income restrictions. Offers educational support meetings, distributes a “Guide for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” and provides referrals to community services.
Relative Caregiver Program Child Help: 865-291-0289
408 N. Cedar Bluff Rd., Suite 300, 37923
Serves grandparents or other relatives raising children that are related to them by blood, marriage, or adoption. Families receive supportive services including information and referrals for services within their community, support groups, fun activities, financial assistance, and family advocacy in hopes of preventing children from entering state custody. Referrals can be emailed to tnrelativecare@Childhelp.org.
Tennessee Respite Coalition: 888-579-3754
Provides resources to enhance the quality of life for family caregivers through respite across Tennessee. The Family Directed Respite Voucher Program helps defray some of the cost of respite to family caregivers. Must meet eligilibity requirements.