Food and Nutrition
Beardsley Community Farm (CAC): 546-8446 or 254-5721
1741 Reynolds St., 37921
Urban demonstration farm that works to increase food security in Knoxville by providing fresh produce, accessible education, land, and resources for gardening.
- Community Gardens: The farm encourages individuals to garden together in community spaces and public housing sites. Visit beardsleyfarm.org or call 254-5721 to see if your housing complex has a community garden.
- Seed and Plant Distribution: The farm promotes home gardening and provides free vegetable seeds and plants for low-to-moderate income gardeners in Knox County from February 1 – April 30 each year. Call 254-5721 for information.
Commodity Program (CAC): 546-3500
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Individuals receive 1-2 bags of shelf-stable food provided by USDA. Must provide proof of Knox County residency. Distribution at the Mobile Meals Kitchen / Malcolm Martin Park, John T. O’Connor Senior Center, and South Knoxville Community Center. Call or visit knoxcac.org for distribution dates and times.
Congregate Meals (CAC): 524-2786
Office on Aging/Senior Nutrition Program
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
A mid-day meal served in group dining facilities at several Knox County locations. Available to any Knox County resident 60+. Call the office to find the nearest location.
Mobile Affordable Meal Service (CAC): 524-2786
Office on Aging / Senior Nutrition Program
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Provides hot or cold lunches, utilizing the Knox County Mobile Meals delivery system, Mon. – Fri., to anyone of any age. Cold breakfasts and suppers available for delivery at same time. Five-day minimum; private pay. No in-home assessment.
Mobile Meals (CAC): 524-2786
Office on Aging/Senior Nutrition Program
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Home-delivered mid-day meal delivered by volunteers Mon.-Fri. Serving individuals age 60+ who, due to physical or mental limitations, are unable to leave their home and unable to prepare food and have no one to prepare food for them. Called Meals on Wheels in other communities. Call to determine eligibility and schedule an in-home assessment.
Senior Meal Connect: 691-2551
East TN Area Agency on Aging & Disability (ETAAAD)
9111 Cross Park Drive, Suite D-100, 37923
Dial extension 4233. Partnership between ETAAAD and Second Harvest Food Bank of East TN that serves older adults who are low-income and / or have mobility needs that prevent independent grocery-shopping. Boxes of shelf- stable and fresh food are delivered to the clients’ homes on a monthly basis. Available in limited counties.
SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: 594-6151
TN Department of Human Services
2700 Middlebrook Pike, Suite 200, 37921
SNAP (formerly called Food Stamps) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
SNAP Senior Outreach Program (CAC): 524-2786
2247 Western Avenue, 37921
Assistance for adults age 60+ to apply for help with food and nutrition assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Extra deductible expenses for adults 60+ to help qualify for SNAP.
Supplement Program (CAC): 546-3500
2247 Western Avenue, 37921
Dietary supplements (Ensure/Boost) for qualified Knox County residents with medical need. One case provided monthly. Call for application.