Tennessee law requires all state-funded educational institutions to allow persons 60+ or persons of any age who are permanently and totally disabled to audit courses for free if space is available (physician certification or affidavit of disability may be required). When these persons take courses for credit, fees are sometimes reduced.
East Tennessee Adult Education: 594-0766
1100 Liberty St., 37919
HiSET (high school equivalency test) classes and discounted testing for adult residents of Tennessee with voucher. Offered statewide.
Friends of Literacy: 549-7007
4630 Holston Drive, 37914 (street)
PO Box 3158, 37927 (mailing)
Offers adults education, including beginning reading, English for speakers of other languages, and HiSET/ GED prep. Child and family programs offer literacy resources directly to families and help stuggling readers. All programs are free. Sign up online at www.friendsofliteracy.org.
Pellissippi State Community College
Non-credit courses: 539-7167
Credit courses: 694-6400
10915 Hardin Valley Road, 37932 (street)
P.O. Box 22990, 37933-0990 (mailing)
Non-credit courses offer classes such as arts and crafts, history, creative writing, computers, money management, and estate planning. Fees apply. Tennessee residents 60+ may audit Credit Courses at no cost. Call for details. Free parking, fitness trails, library services.
Road Scholar: 1-800-454-5768
11 Avenue De Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111
Write, call, or visit roadscholar.org for catalog of low- cost education and recreation for those 40+ at locations throughout the world. Scholarships available.
Senior Centers
For a list of Knox County senior centers that offer educational opportunities, see Senior Centers.
Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Knoxville: 546-5567
1100 Liberty Street, 37919
Offers 20 different full-time courses, including certified nursing assistant, cosmetology, office skills, auto body repair, truck driving, welding, air-conditioner repair, plumbing, pipefitting, and more. New part-time evening classes. tcatknoxville.edu
University of Tennessee
One Stop Express Student Services: 974-1111
Hodges Library Ground Floor, 1015 Volunteer Blvd,37996
One Stop streamlines the most common student services including: Credit Course, Enrollment, Academic Records and Financial Aid. onestop.utk.edu
Disability Services: 974-6087
100 Dunford Hall, 37996
Conference & Non-Credit Programs: 974-0150
600 Henley Street, Suite 313, 37902
Non-credit classes on varied topics, including Seniors for Creative Learning. Call for free catalog.
Veterans’ Upward Bound Program: 974-4466
1914 Andy Holt Ave., 25 HPER, UT, 37996-2745
For veterans (low-income or first in family to attend college) who are potential students, even if GED is needed first. Free services to prepare for enrollment in vocational, technical or college programs. Must have been discharged from military under conditions other than dishonorable.