Disability Services
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the civil rights of persons with disabilities. Five life areas are covered: state and local government operations, transportation, public accommodations, employment, and telecommunications. For a list of resources that provide accessible housing, transportation, assistive or adaptive equipment, or offer similar services or products for persons with disabilities, call the disABILITY Resource Center at 637-3666. For information about housing for older persons with disabilities, see Housing.
American Council of the Blind: 1-800-424-8666
Information and referral. Mon.-Fri., 9 am-5 pm on a nationwide network of chapters and support groups.
Amputee Coalition: 1-888-267-5669
900 E. Hill Avenue, Suite 390, 37915
Outreach, education, advocacy, and empowerment for those living with limb loss or limb difference, their families, and caregivers. The National Limb Loss Resource Center is a comprehensive source of information for people living with limb loss and limb differences.
ARC Knox County: 546-9431
3000 N. Central Street, 37917
Referral for work training and residential services for persons with intellectual disabilities.
Department of Motor Vehicles: 215-2385
300 Main Street, Old Courthouse, Main Floor, 37902
To apply for a handicapped license or placard, call, pick up or download form for physician to complete. Call for information on application process and costs.
disABILITY Resource Center: 637-3666
9111 Cross Park Dr. Suite E135, 37923
Provides information and referral, peer support, advocacy, independent living skills training, employment and transition service for persons with disabilities. Also provides ADA technical assistance for the community at large. The Ramps N Rails program builds ramps and makes limited home modifications.
Disability Rights TN: 1-800-342-1660
9050 Executive Park Drive Ste. 101 B, 37923
Advocates for legal rights of individuals with disabilities. Investigates allegations of abuse and neglect within institutions and discrimination in employment and education. Assists with access to services, vocational rehabilitation, and employment.
Gift of Sight, Hearing & Dentures (CAC): 546-6262
Office on Aging
2247 Western Avenue, 37921
For Knox County residents who cannot afford them, program provides low-cost eye and hearing exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids for people age 50+, and low-cost dentures for people age 60+. Service limited by available funds.
Joni & Friends Tennessee: 540-3860
410 S. Northshore Drive, 37919
Reaches out to families and individuals affected by disabilities. Partnerships with local churches through ministries, training, and resources.
Knox County ADA Office: 215-3641 or 215-3603
City-County Building, 400 W. Main Street, Suite 360, 37902
Provides information and referral for people with disabilities in the City of Knoxville and Knox County.
Knoxville Center of the Deaf (KCD)
24-hour line: 579-0832
Video phone: 978-6051
3731 Martin Mill Pike, 37920
Sign language interpreting services, information and referral, public awareness, advocacy, outreach, technical assistance, peer counseling, independent living skills and community center activities, including weekly senior citizens’ group.
Knoxville Housing & Neighborhood Development Department: 215-2120
City of Knoxville Disability Services Office: 215-2034
TTY: 7-1-1
City-County Building, 400 Main Street, 37902
Provides oversight and assures accessibility to City- owned facilities and programs for seniors and persons with disabilities; provides reasonable accommodations to employees and citizens; offers information and referral assistance on disability-related matters.
Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: 1-800-342-3262
Video Phone: 1-615-290-5211
615 Church Street, Nashville, 37219-2314
A FREE public library program that provides information about all aspects of hearing loss, including deafblindness, to all Tennesseans. Services include a lending collection of books, media and FM Assistive Listening Devices; a website that features a searchable TN Directory of Services for People who are Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing, events calendar; and helpful links. tndeaflibrary.nashville.gov
Rehabilitation Services: 833-751-0597
TN Dept. of Human Services
520 West Summit Hill Dr., Suite 301, 37902
- TN Services for the Blind & Visually-Impaired
- TN Services for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired
- Mobility and Independent Living Skills
- General Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation
Services are for people with physical, emotional, and mental disabilities to help them find or return to work; living skills, individual living for visually impaired, counseling, communication skills, training and employment opportunities, and more.
Spark: 219-0130
116 Childress Street, 37920
Provides information and assistance to individuals with disabilities by providing demonstrations of assistive technology apps and equipment; accepting donated assistive technology device and equipment, durable medical equipment and computers that are cleaned, repaired and then provided for long-term loans to individuals with communication, vision and physical disabilities. Donations encouraged and appreciated.
TDI: 1-301-328-1328
Telecommunication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.
940 Thayer Ave. #8009, Silver Spring, MD 20910
TDI shapes America’s public policy in telecommunications, media, and information technology to advance the interests of all people who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deafblind, and deaf-plus (with other disabilities).
Telecommunications Devices Access Program
Voice (hearing): 1-800-342-8359
Voice/TTY: 1-888-276-0677
TN Public Utility Commission
Distributes free telephone assistive equipment to people with significant hearing, hearing and visual, speech, or mobility impairments. Equipment includes amplified teletype, and large-button and hands-free phones. Recipients must be permanent residents of TN with a physician-verified disability.
Telephone Services
Telephone service providers can offer information on equipment, services, and calling features for people with visual, hearing, physical, or speech impairments. Some offer free or discounted Directory Assistance for people unable to read or use the phone book. Companies often require a letter from a physician and may require additional proof of disability. Some companies extend services to non-disabled seniors. Call your phone service or long-distance providers for information.
Tennessee Identification Card: 594-6399
TN Department of Safety
7320 Region Lane, Strawberry Plains, 37914
Persons with a mental or physical disability who cannot drive can obtain a permanent photo ID. Those who qualify can receive free ID. For initial ID, you must go to the ful-service TN Dept. of Safety office listed above and provide proof of name and identity, including Social Security ID and certified birth certificate (or other certified document with birthdate), marriage certificate (for name change), two proofs of residency (dated within last four months), and certified statement from doctor stating that applicant is unable to operate a vehicle. For replacement ID, you can go to any driver’s license office; small fee.
Tennessee Library for Accessible Books & Media: 1-800-342-3308
1001 Representative John Lewis Way North, Nashville, 37219
Audio, Braille, and large print books and magazines loaned for free to eligible persons. Players available for use with audio materials.
Tennessee Relay Center (TRC): All calls 711
- Hearing callers: 1-800-848-0299
- TTY (for deaf only): 1-800-848-0298
- Spanish (Español): 1-800-842-2088
- Speech-to-speech service: 1-866-503-0264
- Customer service: 1-866-503-0262
Provides free, statewide assisted telephone service to those who have speech and hearing impairments. Relays telephone calls between voice and TTY customers. Speech-to-speech service allows speech-disabled persons to use their own voice synthesizers rather than a TDD/TTY.
Ticket to Work: 1-866-968-7842
TTY (for deaf only): 1-866-833-2967
Social Security Administration 9031 Cross Park Drive, 37923
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSDI/ SSI). Through this free and voluntary program, eligible participants receive support services they need to find and maintain employment so that they may move toward financial independence through work.
KAT Lift: 215-7850
301 Church Street, 37915
Knoxville Area Transit’s paratransit service available for passengers with disabilities. Mon.-Sun.
Knox County CAC Transit: 524-0319
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Lift-equipped minibuses transport Knox County residents who cannot use the KAT system.
Volunteer Assisted Transportation (CAC): 673-5001
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Volunteers provide transportation in program vehicles for eligible seniors and people with disabilities who require aid and assistance to travel safely. Must apply for service. Volunteer drivers are needed.
UT Hearing and Speech Center
600 Henley Street, Suite 213, 37902
Audiology Services: 974-5453
Evaluation of hearing problems. Comparative hearing aid evaluations with medical referral.
Speech and Language: 974-5451
Speech evaluations and therapy.
VistaPoints Special Needs Trusts & Resource Center: 658-1615
9111 Cross Park Dr. D200, 37923
Assists parents and caregivers to establish special needs trusts.