Loan Closets
The listed nonprofits loan home medical equipment to those unable to buy or rent; availability is limited. Some churches and other nonprofit agencies give or loan medical equipment on a limited basis to people who cannot afford it. Some organizations listed in Medical Information & Health Education also have very limited loan closets. See also Medical Equipment & Supplies.
Scottish Rite: 524-3459
612 16th Street, 37916
Loan closet offers hospital beds (no mattress), wheelchairs and assistive devices for bathroom or walking.
Spark Equipment Reuse & Loan Program: 219-0130
116 Childress Street, 37920
Donated equipment and computers are cleaned, repaired as needed and loaned short – or long-term by request to any older adult or person with a disability who can’t afford to buy it or has been denied by insurance (including Medicare) coverage for it. Donations are encouraged and appreciated.