Crisis and Hardship Assistance
Provides limited help with food, shelter, clothing, utilities, supplies and fuel. Some agencies also offer counseling on a limited basis. Hot meals are served at various locations around town. Call 2-1-1 for locations and times.
American Red Cross: 584-2999
6921 Middlebrook Pike, 37909
Disaster Relief: 584-2999 (24/7)
Assistance for families who have lost homes to fire, flood, or other disaster.
Service to Armed Forces: 1-877-272-7337
Access to financial assistance during financial hardship. Eligible – Active duty, Retired (Medically retired) military and their immediate family.
Angelic Ministries: 523-8884
1218 N. Central Avenue, 37917
Office open Mon. – Thur., 8 am – 4 pm.
Household items, appliances, and furniture (two large and two small) free with referral from agency or church. No referral needed for clothing, hygiene, and food items. Distribution Tues. & Wed., 8 am, first come, first served.
Baptist Center at Western Heights: 525-9068
1230 W. Scott Avenue, 37921
Community Market offers emergency help with food,
8 am – 12 pm, Tues. and Thurs.; no referral needed. Clothing available 9 am-11 am on Tues. & Thurs.
Bridge Refugee Services, Inc.: 540-1311
4420 Whittle Springs Road. Suite A, 37917
Case management, employment assistance, and other services for connecting refugees and asylees to their new community.
CAC Neighborhood Centers
Knoxville-Knox County CAC
Assistance with benefits and services, including federal energy assistance.
East (East of Broadway): 546-5125
4200 Asheville Highway, 37914
South (South of the River): 577-7591
522 Maryville Pike, 37920
West (West of Broadway): 524-3345
Ross Bldg., 2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Community Chest of Knox County: 938-3517
2107 W. Emory Road, 37849
Help with clothing and household items. Very low cost. Store open Mon.-Sat., 10 am – 5 pm.
Corryton Hospitality Pantry: 687-8438
Rutherford Memorial United Methodist Church
7815 Corryton Road, Corryton, 37721
Open on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 9 am-12 pm (or earlier if supplies run out).
CONNECT Ministries: 851-8005
3615 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., 37914
Community Networking Resource Center. In-house services, information, “gap programs” and service referrals for people who need help with ID replacement.
Domestic Violence Services: 637-8000
A service of McNabb Center
24-hour crisis hotline for victims of domestic violence to access safety planning and information about emergency shelter and support groups. Place of refuge for those experiencing domestic violence and their children. On-site counseling, advocacy, and case management.
Provides 3-day emergency supply of food. Pick up food at FISH Hospitality Pantry nearest you on days indicated. Hours vary. May use the pantries as often as needed.
East: 522-3474
600 S. Chestnut Street, 37914
Serves residents east of Broadway. Mon. & Wed., 10 am-1 pm.
Northwest: 971-4000
122 W. Scott Avenue, 37917
Serves residents west of Broadway. Tues., Thurs., 4th Sat., 10 am-1 pm.
South: 577-9600
201 Ogle Avenue, 37920
Serves residents south of the river. Wed. & Fri.,10 am-1 pm.
FISH Delivery: 523-7900
For those unable to pick up food, call 8:30 am – 3 pm, Mon.-Sat., to arrange delivery. Line stays busy; keep trying your call. Delivery orders will be taken each day as long as volunteer teams are available. If no answer, please call back the next day.
Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM): 673-6540
418 N. Broadway, 37917
Emergency food and shelter for adults (18+). Homeless assistance and substance-abuse program for adults. Crossroads (633-7630), a resource center, offers crisis intervention, phone and computer access, short-term storage, limited transportation, and referrals to health care and social services.
Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB): 524-2911
P.O. Box 59017, 37950-9017
Call for information on Levelized Billing Plan to lessen drastic seasonal bill increases or utility problems/outages. Ask about third-party notification program that allows you to authorize another person to be notified if you receive a Final Notice for disconnection.
Ladies of Charity Emergency Assistance: 474-9329
Office and Thrift store 247-5790 120 W. Baxter Avenue, 37917
Emergency assistance, Tues.-Fri., 9 am-12:30 pm
Provides clothing vouchers for adjacent thrift store and offers limited help with rent, utilities, and medications. Food pantry (three-day supply). Photo ID is required. Thrift store offers clothing, furniture, and household goods, Mon.-Sat., 9 am-4 pm. Donations accepted during business hours. Donation pick-up available for furniture and other household items.
LIHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (CAC): 637-6700
2247 Western Avenue, 37921 (street)
P.O. Box 51650, 37950-1650 (mailing)
Year-round program offers low-income households limited help with utility bills and home-delivered fuels. Eligibility requirements. Call for an appointment.
Peninsula Behavioral Health Independent Living Program: 374-7272
Division of Parkwest Medical Center, Member of Covenant Health
1451 Dowell Springs Blvd., 37909
Crisis assistance for persons currently receiving mental health services from a licensed provider. This is not a housing or residential program. Assistance includes rent deposits; utilities deposits; medicines; GED testing; and, on a limited basis, eye exams and eyeglasses. Help is limited to once a year per person. Call for eligibility requirements.
Salvation Army: 525-9401
409 N. Broadway, 37917
Emergency Assistance Program serves low-income individuals and families with basic material assistance. Primary services are food pantry and utility assistance. Participants receive case management, budget guidance and referrals to other community resources, when appropriate. The Joy Baker Center serves women, with or without children, who are fleeing domestic violence or homelessness. Provides safe shelter, all basic needs including food, clothing, transportation services and intense case management. The Bridge of Hope program serves single, homeless men by providing apartment-style rooms which can be rented for a minimal monthly fee. A case manager is available to provide support services, as needed.
Samaritan Place: 684-1880
Program of Catholic Charities of East TN, Inc.
3009 Lake Brook Boulevard, 37909
Temporary emergency housing for adults age 60+.
Serenity: 971-4673
Knox Area Rescue Ministries
P.O. Box 3370, 37927
Adult women’s long-term, residential addiction recovery program. Resources available for domestic violence.
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 522-7273
A service of McNabb Center
24-hour crisis hotline for victims of sexual assault to access forensic nursing and information. On-site advocacy, therapy, education and outreach. Serving 13 counties in East Tennessee.
Volunteer Ministry Center: 524-3926
511 N. Broadway, 37917
The Resource Center, open Mon. – Fri., 7 am-5 pm, offers meals, shower and laundry facilities, case management, life-skills classes, and more for homeless persons enrolled in VMC program to seek permanent housing. Referrals made through the CHAMP process. The Bush Family Refuge (673-0235), open Mon.-Fri., 9 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm, offers CHAMP assessments for individuals who are literally homeless; emergency assistance, counseling, some help with rent and utilities, food, transportation (limited), and help obtaining eyeglasses, prescriptions and other necessities for those who are homeless or marginally housed.
YWCA: 523-6126
420 W. Clinch Avenue, 37902
Transitional housing for women age 18+. Private rooms, shared bathrooms; communal living room and kitchen facilities. Program fees. Must fill out application and complete an in-person interview.